Honwee Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. is a provider of comprehensive offset printing and packaging services located in Johor Bahru since year 2005. Before incorporated as Sdn. Bhd., Honwee Enterprise has been established since 1999.

We are ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 certified company. There are around 80 employees occupying the factory size of 40,000 square feet.

In this competitive industry, we have provided very comprehensive services to our customers in order to satisfy their needs. A wide range of services such as packaging box, catalogues, magazines, pamphlets, PP and PVC printing are provided to meet variety of customer’s needs.

With state of the art technology and dedicated team on project management, we are able to provide our customer with competitive price and shorter production lead time, yet it does not compromise the quality of our products.

“Obtain lower cost for your products” just at HONWEE
